Category Archives: Cake Mission

DIY Cupcake Loving

Have you entered my giveaway yet?

This year I am trying each month to make a secret cake for a family with my boys and deliver it.

We’d been meaning to do one for some near-neighbours who are moving. It didn’t happen.

So while I hosted their girls during shifting day we approached it another way.

I made cupcakes and the kids decorated them.

They all ate one (hey I’m not expecting them to be that altruistic) and then the girls took the rest home.

Fun activity and Random Cake of Kindness – done!

Crazy Cake of the Month

Here’s our June cake.

Marble cake – my first one ever! Cheers to the kiwi classic Edmonds cookbook for this one.

I’m not sure this is what they had in mind for the final look.

The good thing about making cakes with children is you can always blame the final look on your assistants!

It wasn’t a very ‘secret delivery’ but the streets in Christchurch aren’t very conducive for a whip across town so I took the lazy way out this time.  Definitely a deserving family though – always doing lovely stuff for us and others – needing some calorie love at present.

Faith and Family Generosity

Last week we focussed on the fact that God wants us to be generous people.


We made some very wonderful cupcakes and the boys iced them.

Ready to Ice

Bounce did the pink ones and Flip the purple.

Serious Work

We set out on our stealth mission but were sadly thwarted by the recipients sitting on their verandah.

Very Carefully

They played along and closed their eyes while we hid and delivered.

Flip's Work

Bless them – it was fun.

Bounce's Work

Perhaps secrecy isn’t our strong point.
